
Fresh, natural ice-cream based on the original Italian recipe. Produced by the owners of the brand from scratch – not sing any powder, but the natural ingredients instead.

When I was asked to create the visual symbol, a new brand was to be called Gelati or Jedyne (The Unique). In response I tried to convince my client that such an exceptional product should have an equally unique name. This way my work began with a research and proposals of a name for the brand. Next I wondered how to show it from a completely different angle than other natural ice-cream brands.

Lody lizać (literally: lody – ice-cream, lizać – to lick) is a wordplay derived from a popular collocation “palce lizać” (lit. to lick fingers), which is used to express that something is really delicious. The concept refers not to the product itself but to the activity related to it, which provides the gustatory pleasure. The graphic symbol refers to the emoticon, so it can be reproduced not only in the graphic form, but in the text as well :P.

The graphic symbol and the brand’s name have been followed by a specific language of communication: thanks to its simplicity, placed in an appropriate context, the mark may also function in the company of some words e.g. :Power, :Patrick, :Pyyycha (Yummy). Instead of traditional advertising slogans, we have decided to focus on a combination of mathematical operations including other emoticons and creating new such as O> (representing ice-cream cone).

Colorful cones, delicious and healthy ice-cream and a new language of communication gained consumers’ approval.
:P + O> = <3

Typeface by: Galin Kastelov.